Custom hand-painted oil painting
Custom hand-painted oil painting
Custom hand-painted oil painting
Custom hand-painted oil painting
Custom hand-painted oil painting
Custom hand-painted oil painting
Custom hand-painted oil painting
Custom hand-painted oil painting
Custom hand-painted oil painting

Custom hand-painted oil painting

  • Estimated Delivery (US Area):Jan 30 - Feb 03

  • Fast Shipping & 14 Days Return

Custom hand-painted oil painting

Custom hand-painted oil painting

Product description

Due to the different pictures provided, the difficulty of painting is also different.
Therefore, please consult customer service to determine the price of hand-painting and the completion time of the work.

Average painting time:

  • 1 week (varies by photo provided)
  • 20x20cm
  • 25x30cm
  • 30x30cm
  • 30x40cm
  • 40x40cm
  • 40x50cm
  • 50x60cm

Custom painting process

  1. provide pictures
  2. Consult customer service price and time
  3. place an order
  4. Arrange the artist to paint
  5. Provide line art and wait for buyer's confirmation
  6. Color after customer confirmation
  7. Ship


  • The pictures are only to show the past works, not for sale.
  • Once the drawing is confirmed, it is not allowed to change.
Product reviews
Shipping & Return

Shipping details and delivery time will be showed at shipping policy page.

Items can be returned or exchanged within 14 days of delivery if there is a quanlity problem.

Handling time

Within 3 working days (For general items)

Within 5 working days (For handmade items)

Within 5-10 working days or more (For customized items)

Tracking your order:

Our order always include tracking information that is normally sent via email 48 hours after the order has been shipped.